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Independent Trial
SoundPost base stations were placed on the corners of the disability department building, as well as at the front entrance, and a couple of other department buildings. The 3 users were trained in the use of the product, taking on average around 30 minutes, 10 minutes to learn the general operation of the hand controller and how to use, and then 20 minutes walking known difficult routes and showing where the base stations were positioned to aid in finding a given point. The independent assessor observed the 3 trialists prior to this and observed the manner in which they moved around campus, and then during the time when the trialists were using on a daily basis.observing once again to note any changes and improvements. Orientation & Mobility experts from the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind (RNZFB) were invited to observe the setup and were able to look at the impact the SoundPost system was having. Decision makers from the Christchurch City Council also had the opportunity to look at the setup and meet with the trialists as they were using the system. Many more points in and around the campus were then identified as key places where the SoundPost base stations could be placed to further open up the environment. The assessor then interviewed all key people and put together a comprehensive report detailing findings, views, opinions and possible improvements into a comprehensive report that has recently been delivered to Povidi NZ Ltd. For those people interested in reviewing this report, Povidi is willing to supply on a request basis. To do so please use our contact page supplying your contact details and reasons for your interest.
From all perspectives the outcome of the trial was significant and very positive. The SoundPost system made many of the difficult open space route movements a lot easier. The trialists confidence increased, their frustrations reduced and the ability to access particular places were greatly improved. Support agencies saw that the system would significantlly reduce route training and would allow self learning of new routes and access to important points as and when additional base stations were added. Finally city council staff saw how the system began to open up public space and how the system could make finding particular buildings and points within these buildings significantly easier for users of the system. Overall everyone who saw the SoundPost Orientation System in action is very excited by the potential. Because of this Povidi NZ Ltd is now working at a frenzied pace to bring this exciting product to your market. If you have any interest in this product. Please use our contact form to get in touch with us, we would love to hear from you.